Dr. med. Bernd Hauer
Bernd Hauer, Dr. med., born in 1961
Curriculum Vitae:
- Studies in human medicine at the Medical University in Heidelberg from 1982 until 1988
- Doctorate at the Medical University Clinic in Heidelberg in 1989
- Specialist medical training for Internal Medicine and Cardiology as well as
- Electrophysiological specialist training with Prof. Dr. med. J. Senges at the Clinic in
- Ludwigshafen until 1998
- Senior physician with PD Dr. Schuster in Kleve until 1999
- 1999 until 2007 senior physician with Prof. Dr. med. U. Sechtem at the Robert-
- Bosch-Hospital in Stuttgart: Head of the Pacemaker Department and the
- Electrophysiological Laboratory with catheter ablation for all common rhythm disorders
- Since 2007 in joint office with Dr. med. C.-H. Wolde in Heidelberg
Focus areas:
- Outpatient invasive cardiology with heart catheter diagnostics and therapy
- Electropysiological exam and therapy
- Outpatient pacemaker- and defibrillator implantation as well as
- Pacemaker- and defibrillator after care